Plants toxic to Alpacas

Paddock Dangers

There are many plants growing paddocks and gardens that are poisonous to alpacas and these must be removed, including from hedgerows if within alpaca reach. Obviously, prevention is better than cure - there are no antidotes for many of the toxic chemicals contained in these plants.

The list of plants is extensive but many of the dangerous species you will come across are shown below. Bear in mind that this list is not exhaustive and many plant species grown in gardens can be toxic if enough is eaten.
Although this list is New Zealand oriented, many of these plants or closely related species are found in similar climates around the world.
Click or tap on the image of the plant for a larger version of the picture. Click or tap on the title of the plant to be taken to an article with further information about the plant.

Important: The content of this page and links from it are not veterinary advice. If you suspect that your alpaca has eaten any of these plants listed, you must seek veterinary help immediately.

The following plants shown with a red background are extremely toxic or deadly.

Image of Angel Trumpets showing flowers and leaves
Angel's Trumpet
(Brugmansia suaveolens)
Image of an Azalea showing flowers and leaves
(Rhododendron sp.)
Image of Box showing flowers and leaves
Box hedging
(Buxus sp.)
Image of Cestrum elegans (Red Cestrum) showing flowers and leaves
(Cestrum elegans)
Image of Datura showing flowers and leaves
(Datura stramonium)
Image of Hemlock showing leaves and flowers
(Conium maculatum)
Image of Ragwort leaves and flowers
(Jacobaea vulgaris)
Image of Rhododendron flowers and leaves
(Rhododendron sp.)
Image of Tutu showing flowers and leaves
(Coriaria arborea)
Image of a Yew tree branch showing needles and berries
(Taxus baccata)

The following plants shown with a purple background are considered very dangerous to the health of your alpacas.

Image of Jerusalem cherry showing the leaves and berries
Jerusalem cherry
(Solanum pseudocapsicum)
Image of Ngaio showing berries and leaves
(Myoporum laetum)
Image of Poroporo leaves and flower
(Solanum aviculare)

The following plants shown with a blue background are considered dangerous to the health of your alpacas.

Image of Bracken showing the fronds
(Pteridium sp.)
Image of Comfrey showing the leaves and flowers
(Symphytum sp.)
Image of Elderberry showing leaves and flowers
(Sambucus nigra)
Image of Foxglove showing leaves and flowers
(Digitalis purpurea)
Image of the Field Horsetail showing the fronds
Field Horsetail
(Equisetum arvense)
Image of the Inkweed plant showing leaves and berries
(Phytolacca octandra)
Image of Laurel leaves
Common Laurel
(Prunus laurocerasus)
Image of Macrocarpa showing cones and needles
(Cupressus macrocarpa)
Image of Pennyroyal showing leaves and flowers
(Mentha pulegium)
Image of Willow weed showing the leaves and flowers
Willow weed
(Persicaria persicaria)

The following plants shown with a green background are best removed as they are known to be toxic to some stock.

Image of Snowdrop flowers
Galanthus sp.
Image of Daffodil plants showing the leaves and flowers
(Narcissus sp.)

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